Sunday, December 5, 2010

John C. Maxwell said 99% of ability is

John C. Maxwell, author of more than a dozen books, full time speaker for INJOY, an Atlanta based Christian leadership organization, and a pastor for more than 26 years is a world renowned expert on leadership.

He said, "99% of ability is stickability."

From Think on these Things: Meditations for Leaders, by John C. Maxwell

Monday, November 22, 2010

More info on John Assaraf's free webinar where he is going to teach you

These are the highlights John is going to teach you . . .
* How to use a deeper understanding of the human brain cause yourself to automatically take the simple wealth and success attracting actions that make millionaires.

* How your subconscious mind is like SUPERCOMPUTER . . . how past
experiences and doubts “program” your mind for a lower level of wealth
and success than you want or deserve and how to replace the “bad
software” in your mind (that was “installed years ago when you were
a kid) so that you can finally reach the heights of your potential.

* Why intelligence has NOTHING to do with how much wealth and
success you’ll attract into your life . . . why being “too smart” can actually
hold you back . . . and how to “take the brakes off” your subconscious
idea of wealth so you can double or even TRIPLE your income this year.

* The “formula” your subconscious mind uses to decide how much wealth
you “should” have . . . how you got “stuck” at a certain level of success far
below your potential and how to instantly “raise the bar” deep in your mind
to free you to finally attract the life you want.

And much more.


Karen's note: Remember, God (the source of all Power and blessings) created us to be creative in turn; to be blessed and be a blessing to others; to have faith and believe in our future. He's seen it and assures us, it is good! Keep it in perspective - it is so tempting to seek wealth for the sake of wealth. But how does it help to gain the whole world, yet lose your soul? So, yes - go for it! But keep the source in mind, and use your blessing to bless others and lead them to the ultimate goal: eternal wealth from Jesus Christ!

Free training webinar that will help you succeed!

This has got to be the coolest free training I've ever seen to help increase your success in any endeavor, including money. I've taken classes in behavioral and learning psychology, as well as read books on quantum physics, and this is a great layman's explanation of how you can use your own brain to help you succeed! This method works for ANY goal you are going for: weight loss, business and financial success, you name it. Just watch the free webinar for tons of real info. I did.

John Assaraf is holding a 90minute Encore Webinar
tomorrow and is giving away free passes to it. But first
in best dressed so if you want in you better be quick...
I watched him last Thursday and it was
incredible. I've heard on this one though
he's also going to be answering questions
and interacting LIVE...